What happens next
You will receive an email confirming your booking and giving you options for payment. All fees are payable on receipt of our confirmation of your booking.
On the Day
Start Locations and Times
Exceptional weather: walk leaders will be at the start point whatever the conditions. The decision will then be made whether to re-route the walk or to cancel should walkers’ safety be in any doubt.
Be aware that the postcodes provided will take you to the general area, and not normally exactly to the meeting point. The OS map grid reference provided is more definitive.
Finishing times should be treated only as a guide: they depend on the size of the group, weather and other imponderables!
What to Wear and Bring
Footwear and clothing should be suitable for the prevailing weather and the type of walk. Walking boots and waterproofs (worn or carried) are normally advisable.
Refreshments: please take drink and a light snack if you wish, or more substantial refreshments where requested. Check the walk description regarding tea shops etc. en route and the pub lunch option at the end of the walk.
Covid Precautions
Precautions are very unlikely to be needed this year. If there is a resurgence of Covid, then we will announce any precautions to be taken by email to our mailing list; post an item on the News section of this website; and contact everyone with a booking.
We are very sorry, but dogs are not allowed on any walk unless stated otherwise.