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Alternatively, you can use the search form to find particular ones of interest (e.g. in a certain place) or use the filter to look for walks for a particular day or difficulty.

  • A walk from and returning to the Hop Shed – the only brewery in the UK on a hop farm

  • An 8 mile walk around and over Bredon Hill

  • Undulating meander in West Malvern

  • Learn the fascinating history, and evidence of, the King’s Thirds on the northern Malvern Hills

  • Share rhythm, song and camaraderie on this informal and fun walk for all ages.

  • An entertaining and informative walk around Great Malvern. The emphasis will be on the town’s varied cultural history and its role as a centre for the controversial Water Cure in the 19th Century.

  • The Midlands Air ambulance is our chosen charity to support, and they invite us to visit the air ambulance station, meet the medical staff and look at the helicopter – all followed by a short walk

  • From Chase End to End Hill taking in all the hill tops; at a leisurely pace.